Privacy Policy
- Who are we?
- Founded in 2015, Euphory Garments is a local brand. Created for all woman by a Mauritian designer, the brand combines both elegance and multicultural blend to offer style, comfort and delicacy to its creations. Each piece is handcrafted by local artisans.
- Through our website, we will be providing order and delivery services to you. We will also be communicating our promotions, sales and offers from time to time. (the “Services”)
- In order to provide you with the Services, we will need to process some of your personal information, also known as your personal data. Guess what?! That makes you a data subject! (what a fancy term…) What this means is that as a data subject, you have, at all times, a whole lot of rights with regards to the collection, processing and storing of your personal information by us, and we are committed to respecting and upholding your rights at all times (check paragraph 9 for more information about your rights as a data subject). Also, we encourage you to check out the Data Protection Act 2017 to educate yourself about the nitty-gritty of data protection.
- We endeavor to process all your data with as much care and attention as we put in the making of your favourite Euphory designs and we want you at all times to feel secure in using our website. This is why we have put in place this policy, the purpose of which is to inform you of how, why and for how long we will be processing your personal information but also as to what are your rights as a data subject.
- In an ever changing and evolving world, well this policy may also change and/or be updated from time to time and it is your responsibility to check the policy routinely. Keep in mind that every time you use our website and/or our Services, your use thereof is subject to this policy, as updated from time to time.
- What are our guiding principles?
- When we process your personal information, we do so, always keeping in mind and complying with the below listed principles. Here at Euphory we call them the five commandments, because we believe that they encompass the values and principles we apply when processing your personal information.
The five commandments of data processing
- When we process your personal information, we do so in a lawful, fair and transparent manner. This means that - Uno: we respect your rights, Dos: we process your personal information in a way which will not cause detriment to you and Tres: we always remain open about how, why and for how long we process your personal information (Olé!).
- We do not process your personal information just for the sake of processing it. We do so for a specified and legitimate reason: to provide you with our Services, this comprises our order and delivery services, as well as the communication of any promotion, sale and offer we may have (more of that at paragraph 4). When we process your personal information, we will never process it for any other reason.
- We really try to limit the personal information which we process to that which is strictly necessary for the above-mentioned reason.
- The personal information which we keep about you is kept up to date to the best of our ability (see paragraph 3.3 for your duty to inform us of changes in your personal information). We will ensure that any inaccurate personal information about you is erased or rectified without delay.
- We do not keep your personal information for longer than necessary. This means that when we will no longer be providing the Services on our website we will ensure that all your personal information are duly deleted.
- What personal information are we processing?
- Remember we told you earlier that we would only process personal information necessary for the provision of the Services? Below is the information which we will be processing for the above-state purpose:
- name;
- email address;
- phone number(s);
- physical address;
- account number (solely for the purpose of reimbursement, see paragraph 4.1(b)).
- You see, when you decide to use our website and benefit from our Services, you may be required to provide the above-listed personal information. This is done on a purely voluntary basis. If you do not wish to provide your personal information, that is totally ok as you are not obligated to do so, but keep in mind that you may not be in a position to use our website and/or benefit from our Services.
- For the time during which your personal information is being processed, same may be subject to change, for instance you may get married (may your love forever grow), divorced (the universe has greater plans for you), relocate (on to a new adventure), you get it, life will happen and you will need to inform us of any changes in your personal information as soon as possible.
- Why are we processing your personal information?
- As we told you earlier, we process your personal information in order to:
- Provide you with our Services, i.e. order and delivery services as well as the communication of any promotions, sales and offers we may have;
- In limited cases, to reimburse you in the event that you wish to cancel or change an order.
- To whom do we disclose your personal data?
- We limit the number of people who may have access to your personal data to the strict minimum.
- When it comes to people outside of Euphory (let’s call them third parties), we will disclose your personal information listed under paragraph 3.1(a) – (d) to the person providing delivery services in order to enable the latter to effect the deliveries. Aside from that, we will never disclose your personal information to any other third party without your prior authorisation. We may, however, under certain circumstances be required by law to disclose your personal information and this without your prior authorisation.
- How do we ensure your personal information is processed securely?
- We are PCI and SSL certified, and we use encryption technology to ensure that your personal information is safely and securely processed at all times.
- For how long do we keep your personal information?
- We will not keep your personal information for a period longer than necessary. What an abstract answer! Well although we cannot give you a specific and fixed timeframe, we will delete your personal information when:
- we stop providing the Services on our website; and/or
- In the event that you request us to delete your personal information (Yes you can do that! See paragraph 9.1(c))
- If there is a breach of your personal information, what do we do?
- What we mean by a breach is a breach of security which would lead to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or, or access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed (our lawyer told us there was no simpler way to put it… lawyers…).
- Upon becoming aware of a breach, we will notify the Data Protection Commissioner of the breach within seventy two hours of becoming aware and we will assist the Data Protection Commissioner to the best of our abilities in mitigating any of the adverse consequences of the breach and in remedying the breach.
- It is probably a good idea at this stage to explain to you who the Data Protection Commissioner is! You see to avoid abuses by data processors and data controllers, i.e. those who are processing others’ personal data, a Data Protection Office has been set up, and the Data Protection Commissioner is the head of the office. He has a lot of duties and responsibilities amongst which are to ensure compliance with data protection laws and investigate any complaints.
- In case of a breach, we will only inform you of same if the breach is likely to result in high risk to your rights and freedom.
- We are not required under the law to personally notify you of a breach if:
- we have implemented appropriate technical and organizational protection measures and those measures were applied to the personal data affected by the breach, in particular those that render the data unintelligible to any person who is not authorized to access it;
- we have taken measures to ensure that any high risk to your rights and freedom are no longer likely to materialize; or
- it would involve disproportionate effort to do so, or
- we have made a public communication or similar measure has been put in place to communicate the breach.
- What are your rights?
- Remember we told you earlier that as a data subject you had rights?! Well, here they are:
As a data subject, you have the right to:
- request access to your personal information processed by us;
- inform us of any incompleteness or inaccuracy in your personal information;
- request that your personal information be erased;
- request that the processing of your personal information be restricted;
- withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal information at any time.
- You see at paragraph 9.1(d) we talk about the restriction of your personal information. What this means is that you can request us to mark your personal information with the aim of limiting its processing in the future. You may make such a request in the event that you:
- contest the accuracy of your stored personal information, the restriction shall apply for a period enabling us to verify the accuracy of the data;
- require your personal information for the establishment, exercise or defense of a legal claim whilst we no longer need your personal information for the purpose of the processing;
- you consider the processing unlawful and you oppose the erasure of your personal information and request the restriction of their use instead;
- have objected to the processing pending verification as to whether our legitimate grounds override yours.
- How to make a request?
- Any request made by you must be made in writing to Any request, whether entertained favourably or unfavourably, will normally be entertained within one month. The delay of one month may be extended where necessary.
- Upon a request being made, we will generally ask you to confirm your identity and may need further information from you in order to locate the information, in which case the time period for entertaining the request starts from the date we obtain the additional information.
- Keep in mind that we reserve our right to reject your request in the event that:
- Your request is manifestly excessive;
- The personal information being processed does not relate to you;
- Entertaining the request would entail the breach of the rights of a third party;
- The personal information being processed was not disclosed by you;
- There are other legal grounds for the processing of the personal information;
- There are overriding legitimate grounds for the processing of the personal information.
- Where we consider a request as being manifestly excessive, we have two options, which are solely at our discretion,:
- we may charge a fee for providing the information or taking the action requested, or
- we may not take the action requested.
- What if you want to make a complaint?
- You have the right to complain directly to us if you think that the provisions of this policy or of the law have or may be contravened.
- We will do our upmost to investigate the matter and where necessary we will notify the Data Protection Commissioner to investigate the matter.
- You also have the choice of lodging a complaint directly to the Data Protection Commissioner upon becoming aware of a breach or a potential breach of this policy or of the law.
Contact us
- If you have any questions or requests about this policy you can contact us by email at: